Thursday, April 20, 2006

Why am I doing this?

Many of you know that I am fond of fabrications, stretchings of the truth, exagerations, and outright lies, and I sometimes inhabit characters with names other than my own for these purposes. Sometimes I can't keep track of who knows what, or even what I've made up, or what I've written down, or even where I've written down what I'm trying to remember. So this is a place where I will make every effort to be straightforward, easy to understand, and honest. I realize that I have been skeptical about this trend of online journals, and the name they by which they are often referred. It is a name the implies violence, uncontrolable outbursts, guilt, and punishment. I have no use for those things, anymore. You can call it what you like, but from now 0n I am vowing to choose my words carefully and consider their implicatons.

This is a place for my closest personal friends, if they should choose, to get the straight, honest story. I am not pretending here, or attempting to hide behind anything, or make myself look better, or even admirable. I think it is important, occasionally, to simply say what you mean in the simplest way possible, and give other people the benefit of the doubt to judge you fairly. So here it is, if you think you can deal wth it. The truth.


Darius Smith said...

Thanks, U.S.!

Ray Speen said...

I just want to say that my choice to start this particular journal on the date of 4/20 was a total coincidence, and has absolutely NO SIGNIFICANCE!